Monday, May 1, 2017

Budget-Friendly Feature -- Nabi "Teal"

Good day, ladies and gents!

Lately I've been focusing a lot on the new YouTube channel, and my poor blog has been put off to the wayside. We can't have that now, can we? Therefore, I've decided I'm going to start a new series, entitled "Budget-Friendly Feature". In this series I'll go over random polishes in my collection and tell you about the color, the formula, whether or not I think it was worth the price I paid, and any other info I think might be relevant.

Our first Feature is Nabi "Teal" (not to be confused with "Teal II"). I bought a lot of 20 polishes from Nabi on ebay for $24.00, putting each bottle at $1.20.

Unfortunately I took a horribly shadowed picture, so the actual color is a bit hard to see. However, this is a stunning teal with just a light dusting of shimmer. 

This formula is definitely on the thinner side--it does require three coats for full opacity. I'm wondering if perhaps "Teal II" has a better formula? I may never know, since I am now on a definite no-buy. My rack is full to the brim and I just cannot justify buying more polish until I use some up! 

So is Nabi "Teal" worth the $1.20? In my eyes, yes it is. I've gone through half of this bottle. Normally I shy away from three-coaters, but the color on this baby is worth it. That's saying something, since I am incredibly lazy and the less work I have to do, the better.

What do you guys think? Would you try this polish for the price, even though the formula leaves a bit to be desired? Have you tried "Teal II"? Let me know!

Also, if ever there's a polish you've seen me use (either here, or on YouTube) and you'd like me to put that particular polish in a future Feature, speak up! 

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