Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Frilly French

Short story time!

It's 12:30 at night. I have to be up at 8 to go to work. I'm exhausted, and I know my son will be waking up soon for mommy milk. I need to go to bed. But...

...My nails are bare. 

Oh no!!

That is simply unacceptable. I must do something with them. Something quick and easy. Stamping? No... too messy. Watermarble? Ha! No way. Gradient? Uhmmm no. Something with striping tape? Pbbt. Might as well stay up all night if I wanted to do that. Plain polish? Hmm... tempting, but I just did that. What can I doooo?

Aha! French tip! Quick, easy, classy. 

I slap down some Bridge the Ridge and make a grab for my Finger Paints "Paper Mache". I'm halfway through my second coat when I hear my little guy stirring in the next room.

Shit! Dry faster, paint faster! Faster, faster, faster!

Finally the second coat is on and dry. The youngin' seems to have gone back to sleep. Whew! Disaster averted. I snag the Seche Vite. We're in the home stretch! First four nails, done! Twist the hand to get the thumb...


I've smudged my middle nail... Appropriate, since I'm now cursing and flipping off random inanimate objects in the room. 

But it's now 1 a. m.  Screw it. I need sleep. I finish top coating the rest of the nails. I can do something more with the mani tomorrow after my ten hour shift. 

I double check to ensure the Seche Vite is dry, change into my jammies, and crawl into bed. After a bit of flip-flopping to get comfy and to make sure I won't get sheet marks on my nails, I close my eyes and prepare to surrender to dreams.

And, of course, that's the very instant my son wakes up crying for his next meal. 

Sigh. The joys of motherhood...

The end!

But, thankfully, not the end of the mani!

The next day at work I kept trying to think of something that would add a little pizazz and also help me cover up that smudge. Then I remembered something that I had seen Yagala do... a frilly, fancy french tip using stamping. 

Game on! I used BundleMonster's XL-06 plate and the same polish I had used for my tips. This was the end result: 

It's a bit more... delicate than I'm used to, but I liked it nonetheless. Besides, it distracted from the smudge nicely. Though, if my brain wasn't so sleep deprived, I probably could have done some "polish surgery", as Colette calls it. Ah well, live and learn.

Next up? Target treasures!

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